Hi, my name is Beate. I am an award-winning business mindset coach and I help you get to your next level of success.
Nice to meet you! Let’s dive in to uncovering you highest potential, creating a life of no limitations in your business & career.
What go you here won’t get you there.
Mindset is the number one killer of success for even the most determined of leaders and entrepreneurs.
The biggest block for most people in finding success in their business and careers is that they stand in their own way and don’t even know it.
Through coaching, I work with you to recognise what’s holding you back and help you overcome these limiting beliefs and blind spots and develop a mindset for success. A small shift can often lead to a different trajectory in life, one that is more fully aligned to YOU – leveraging you strengths and passions.

Meet Me.
Hi! My name is Beate Sifkovits. During a successful career in marketing in global organisations, I took stock of where I was and where I wanted to go and realised that my path to a more fulfilling life will take me into a completely different direction.
Spending over 10 years on self-discovery, working with the best practices, tools and thought leaders to discover how to unlock the human potential, I understood that my journey in the corporate world was not utilising my full potential but it was only up to me take control of my life and tap into where my strengths lie to be the best I can be. Through my years of investment and experience in the field, I was able to turn my passion into a career I love.
Now I am driven by helping aspiring entrepreneurs, leaders and individuals who are ready to take responsibility for their life to recognise the power within to move towards their vision of success in their professional and personal lives.
Work With Me.
All You.
We are all born with an infinite wealth of potential, yet we never learn how to tap into it fully. Overcoming our blind spots and recognising our limiting beliefs is the first step in uncovering possibilities and moving towards your ideal vision of YOU.
Do you have the courage to take control of your life?
All Leader.
It’s a journey that begins with increased self-understanding and reprogramming our mind to turn limitations into opportunities and break through the glass-ceilling.
Ready to be the best leader you can be to take yourself, your team and your business to the next level?
All Team.
Learning and development isn't a check-box exercise. It is a holistic approach to expand your employee’ mindset and skills to thrive fully, through workshop content and 1:1 coaching.
You can’t always do it all alone, so take your team with you to maximise effectiveness and success.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself”
— Rumi